Avoid fuelling the Blood Sugar Roller Coaster at work
Are you a ‘snacker’? Snacking in and of itself is not a bad thing, in many ways it is better to eat small meals regularly than letting hunger build up […]
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But we are proud to say that Optima-life contributed 67 entries already.
Are you a ‘snacker’? Snacking in and of itself is not a bad thing, in many ways it is better to eat small meals regularly than letting hunger build up […]
Have you started lots of projects but struggled to complete them? Do you find it difficult to focus on your top priorities? Do you know what your top priorities really […]
Do you sometimes feel so daunted by an important work project that you procrastinate? Are you overwhelmed by thoughts and images that represent the complexity of life both at and […]
Do you occasionally drink alcohol as a means to sleep better? Do you feel refreshed after the nights’ where you have been drinking alcohol prior to bedtime? For many people […]
How often are you really listening rather than just waiting to talk? Do you genuinely focus on what the other person is saying or do you have a tendency to […]
Are you waiting for the perfect time to set your new goal? Do you typically set new goals on New Year’s Eve or on certain Mondays after an unproductive weekend? […]
Are you sleepwalking through your job? Do you run out of steam halfway through the afternoon? Do you rely on coffee, sugar or both to provide you with the energy […]
Procrastination can sometimes feel like a constant burden on our shoulders. Painfully aware of what needs to be done, we simply don’t have either the energy or the focus to […]
On World Mental Health Day, read about how a city dealt with the fallout after a major technology company felt the full force of an ever increasing competitive market and […]
Albert Einstein once said ‘Life is like a bicycle – to keep your balance you must keep moving’. Well Steve Saunders CEO of SS Coaching, South Africa and friend and […]