Training company Optima-life has launched a new programme called Beating Burnout aimed at leaders and managers

Beating Burnout – new programme for leaders and managers

We have launched a new online programme specifically designed to beat burnout among leaders and managers.

At a time when COVID-19 has created so many new changes and challenges, Optima-life has specifically created Beating Burnout to help build resilience, enable energy and create a greater sense of balance among leaders and managers. The programme has been devised to support life both at work and at home.

Beating Burnout utilises Optima-life’s key methodology of Measure (to personalise), Analyse (to understand), Inspire (to build confidence) and Nurture (to create habits), also known as MAINframe. Information on the individual is gathered from the outset. Firstly, an energy and performance profiler provides subjective information on how they think, work, recover, eat and exercise. This is complemented by a 72 hour analysis of heart rate data, that provides an objective insight into the demands of day-to-day life. The data, analysis and initial conversation provide the insight to create a programme that is personalised and realistic. Clients will receive regular coaching sessions over the ensuing three months to ensure that progress is made. At the end of the twelve weeks, a follow-up lifestyle assessment will review progress and additional ongoing support is offered through Optima-life’s app and online portal called The Festival of Us.

Simon Shepard, CEO of Optima-life, said:

“To some extent the COVID-19 pandemic has challenged everyone in some shape or form – times have and are likely to be tough. The demands of changes to both our working, home and social lives have put significant strain on many and I have spoken to an increasing number of people who feel they are on the verge of burnout. Beating Burnout is designed for these people and is intended to support leaders and managers who are being relied upon to deliver high levels of performance during these unprecedented times. I hope that we can help leaders to stay energised and balanced, and help organisations reduce rates of absence and attrition.”

To find out more, contact us.