NHS Staff – Who is Caring for You? Do Carers Really Know How They Feel?
How do those whose job is to care for others cope with the impact…

NHS Staff- Who’s Caring for You? Night Shifts and the “Negotiable: Non-Negotiable” Equation
When delivering workshops, I often talk about the balance between…

NHS Staff – Who’s caring for you? Working in the VUCA world of the 21st Century
Apparently we live in a #VUCA world, whether it be the Volatility…

NHS Staff – Who is Caring for You? The “Other” Challenge Facing NHS Leaders
The New Year news has been dominated by stories of the NHS under…

Look Back, Talk Aloud and Think ‘Why?’
It’s that time of year where the annual ritual of self-delusion…

Are your goals ‘positive’?
We all have things we know we ought not to do, for instance smoking…

The Greatness of Gratitude
“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have…

Avoid fuelling the Blood Sugar Roller Coaster at work
Are you a ‘snacker’? Snacking in and of itself is not a bad…

Are you ready for a ruthless elimination?
Have you started lots of projects but struggled to complete…

The Power of Visualisation to Beat Procrastination
Do you sometimes feel so daunted by an important work project…