What people say

“One of the best ever! Not only for the job – for life!”

“Optima-life’s focus was a perfect fit with our people agenda – the thought-provoking content is structured in a way that had a lasting impact on people’s thinking. Along with the content, the communication style kept large audiences engaged and pushes them to think deeply about and take ownership of their approach to managing work-life integration.”

“My driver to access this course was to identify which was likely to kill me first – being a CEO in today’s NHS or simply lifestyle. For me it was lifestyle which won! So I have prioritised where I can, my work/life balance, raised my own awareness of stress and how to counterbalance that and take care of myself a little better than before.”

“I recently participated in a body monitoring trial and found it game changing, no more lying to myself on how I was relaxing. If you truly want to understand how your body performs under stress and more importantly, how you recover, this is a fantastic opportunity!”

“Please arrange a follow up course – it shouldn’t be a one off!”

“The performance workshops run by Optima-life engaged staff and gave clear and simple messages about the benefits of positive health and wellbeing and how closely this is linked to individual and organisational performance. Delegates left the course inspired and encouraged to make positive differences to their wellbeing choices.”

“Thank you for your excellent workshop. We had all been wondering what was going to happen, but it was very interesting, inspiring and brilliantly presented.”

Thank you very much for presenting I thought it was ideal and thought provoking.

“The extensive and detailed output is of immediate value to those looking to understand, tailor and improve their performance levels, in both the sporting and commercial worlds.”

“I found participation in the programme to be the ‘push’ in the right direction. I especially liked the meal planner and sustainable weight loss programme (good for both myself and my daughter).”

“It really did make us all sit up and take notice and absolutely had a positive effect. I think we are a much more productive team because of it.”

“As an executive coach, I will be recommending this tool to any client who is dealing with the challenges of a very heavy workload and wants to take a pro-active approach to managing their sustainability in their role.”

“It is true that first you have to become aware of something before you can make changes and the work with Optima-life helped raise that awareness. As a result of my own experiences I engaged Optima Life to work with my senior leaders at the Trust and the feedback I have received from them has been amazing.”

“Optima-life’s input to Staying Healthy at Work: Fit for the Future was definitely one of the highlights of the event. They challenged people to think about the links between lifestyle and performance in an engaging, interactive way, but also based on scientific evidence. The presentation was the one people were still talking about over lunch – always a good sign.”

“As someone passionate about health and enhancing my own performance in and out of work, Perform @ Your Peak has given me a thorough ‘service/health MOT’ that has highlighted where there is room for improvement to use my energy efficiently and avoid burn out. I’m very grateful for this opportunity.”

“Can I just say that what you do is superb : why you do it – enlightened. And the gifts it brings: enduring. I look forward to bringing your science to more people across the bank – the messages are so important.”

“Optima-life was integral to the development of The World Strongest Man’s new biometric graphics, an important part of the new-look shows. Simon and his team were invaluable throughout the entire production process; from initial planning right through to the interpretation of the data.”

“I am now running between 8-10 miles a week and have managed to maintain this since July. I really did need a kick start and the health report really put my lack of activity firmly at my feet!! So it works!”

“The support we have received from Optima-life has really helped us understand more about our players and just as importantly has motivated the players to understand more about training, recovery and lifestyle.”

“I found the session very informative and inspiring. I can see now that with a few changes in my lifestyle, I can make a major difference to my health. I can’t wait to get feedback from the heart monitor I wore to find out what the source of stress in my life is. I want to find out how restorative my sleep is for me and if I am allowing anxiety to deprive me of a good rest. I am also happy to see my employer is as interested in supporting good health as I am.”

“The technology provided by Optima-life has helped provide a real insight into the health and wellbeing of our employees, and has proved to be an excellent tool for assessment and for motivating behavioural change. It has also proved to be a catalyst to effective communication between a number of departments that provide an input into the health, productivity and performance at Unilever.”

“The workshop has provided me with personal insight into how my personal well-being does impact on my performance it has also given me some very practical skills/techniques to enable me to be healthier and to perform even more effectively. This was particularly useful when I had to mange a very difficult issue at work which I know I was able to handle even more effectively by drawing on the knowledge I had gained through the experience. I have also shared my learning with my immediate team and they have found some of the practical advice beneficial. In summary this has been a very cost effective way of ensuring that I am a happier, healthier and even more effective leader.”

“I’m very happy with it. We can see the rate of recovery on a day-to-day basis and then direct players in what they need to do to improve their performance, or give themselves a better chance of turning up in the morning in the best possible shape to produce the best performances. Everybody is talking about how 1 or 2% can make a huge difference, and if you can bring that information from something like this and put it into practice, then you’ve got to be in a better place further down the line for hopefully competing for trophies.”

“All in all, the Mojo experience has been life changing and has really supported a shift in mindset. Information and feedback are very powerful and sometimes we get into a rut, tell ourselves things are fine, but the data tells us something different.”