Our CEO Simon Shepard has produced a book to help individuals take ownership of the way they interact with multiple aspects of life – at work, at home and in the community. The Battle for Balance deals with key issues such as stress, motivation and resilience and, more than anything, encourages individuals to consider how they are living in today’s world.
Simon Shepard is a Chartered Physiotherapist by profession whose work aims to provide energy and engagement to people; focus and purpose to teams; and resilience and engagement for organisations. He started his career at Lord’s cricket ground in 1991 and has over 25 years’ experience as Head of Health & Performance for Middlesex County Cricket Club and Marylebone Cricket Club. Over the past decade, he has complemented his work in sport by working with a businesses that span multiple sectors and locations.
Simon Shepard, author of The Battle for Balance, said:
“This isn’t another self-help book that offers a template for how best to live your life. Instead, it uses a combination of objective data, anecdotes and commentary to encourage individuals to think about themselves and take ownership of their actions. It seems that too many people allow the white noise of today’s world to dominate their life and they forget about forging a relationship with themselves. I started writing this book a month before the onset of COVID-19, but the way the past year has unfolded, it is perhaps even more pertinent now. With the pandemic taking away so much normality for so many, I hope The Battle for Balance will encourage people to get creative and take greater control of how they are living their lives.”
The Battle for Balance is out now.