Optima-life’s Chief Executive, Simon Shepard will be talking at this year’s *Elevate conference,
‘Performance Tech – The Data of Fluffy Stuff’ on Thursday 11th May, 12.30 at Excel London.
In the world of sport even the smallest of gains can be the difference between successful high performance and failure. Achieving an extra 1% can make all the difference.
Such an approach can cross over into the corporate world and even in to everyday life. However, in achieving even the smallest of gains, many do not recognise the importance of ‘The Fluffy Stuff’ – sleep, stress, resilience and focused energy.
Simon will reference the vast amount of data ( over 1.5 billion data points) Optima-life has collected, matching human behaviour to physiological responses.
Our technology partners, Firstbeat will be on stand TW4 over the 2 days, 10th and 11th May, do drop by for a chat.
To find out more about Elevate click here: http://www.elevatearena.com/
*Elevate is the UK’s largest cross-sector event that brings together the physical activity sector, academia, healthcare, policy makers, local authorities and performance specialists to reflect on an increasingly important and complex societal challenge: tackling physical inactivity.